July 2024

New regulated customer fees: 1 July 2024

The NSW LRS fees for products and services involving land titles, plans, property information and the Water Access Licence Register are regulated and have changed for the 2024/2025 financial year.

June 2024

Frequently Asked Questions: online lodgment with NSW LRS

We regularly update our Frequently Asked Questions to assist customers and clarify procedures for conducting online transactions with NSW LRS.

All Announcements

Customer first: access to 100% of NSW property transactions online

All eligible property transactions have gone digital in NSW, with customers now able to lodge 100 per cent of documents online.

May 2021

Customer first: access to 100% of NSW property transactions online

Covid-19 restrictions update – NSW LRS Lodgement Office procedures

Latest NSW Government Covid-19 restrictions and how they apply to NSW LRS Lodgment Office

May 2021

Covid-19 restrictions update – NSW LRS Lodgement Office procedures

New land records added to historical treasure trove

Historians and family tree researchers in NSW will now be able to search the expanded Historical Land Records Viewer (HLRV) for documents recorded in the Miscellaneous Register and Indexes.

May 2021

New land records added to historical treasure trove

FAQ: Homes for Homes and NSW LRS

NSW Land Registry Services partnered with Homes for Homes in 2020 to help raise awareness of this innovative programme.

May 2021

FAQ: Homes for Homes and NSW LRS

One hundred percent of documents to be available as electronic dealings in NSW

NSW Land Registry Services and the Office of the Registrar General have worked with Electronic Lodgment Network Operator PEXA, to enable 100% electronic lodgment from 10 May 2021.

April 2021

One hundred percent of documents to be available as electronic dealings in NSW

PDF now the default lodgment file type in ePlan

NSW Land Registry Services made the change to a default lodgment file type of PDF in ePlan from 26 April 2021.

April 2021

PDF now the default lodgment file type in ePlan

Digital and electronic signature provisions extended – dealings and plans

The Registrar General has announced an extension of the option for customers to sign dealings and plans electronically until the end of 2021.

March 2021

Digital and electronic signature provisions extended – dealings and plans

Information toolkit – property protection

NSW Land Registry Services worked with industry to provide a property protection toolkit for Solicitors, Conveyancers and NSW consumers.

March 2021

Information toolkit – property protection

NSW floods: free land titling support for property owners affected by flooding

NSW Land Registry Services will make title searches, replacement Certificates of Title and plan images free for property owners affected by flooding in NSW.

March 2021

NSW floods: free land titling support for property owners affected by flooding

Switch to PDF files only in ePlan announced from 26 April 2021

NSW Land Registry Services will make PDF the default lodgement file type in ePlan from 26 April 2021.

March 2021

Switch to PDF files only in ePlan announced from 26 April 2021
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Service Status Update

Until December 2018, there will be planned outages for some NSW LRS systems while we undertake essential works. Where possible these works have been scheduled over weekends to minimise disruption to our customers.

Upcoming Outages:
Will be advised once confirmed.

To check on the status of our online services or to subscribe to our outage notifications, please visit our Service Status page.